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Keeyah Gardens.

One thing I know is that even if you yourself do not wish to start your own farm, or gardening is not your thing, it is important to know where to find local farmers in times of need.  Not only does it take us away from being reliable on large corporations, its a lot healthier to source locally and it also helps circulate our dollar to our local farmers so they can continue farming.

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The Vegan Trap With Jonnelle Maria

 As you all know I started my vegan journey about a year and a half ago.  I like many vegans, was so intrigued by the lifestyle and the promoted health benefits that come along with it. I also felt like it was the best thing to do due to the rise of Covid-19.  I wanted to take control of my health and give myself the best possible outcome if the virus ever came my way. I was also always in aww about the shinny glowing skin I'd see most vegans have.  Although I thought I did thorough research, never did I think to look at the opposite end of the spectrum. Always looking at the benefits but never the potential...

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Choppin it up With Promise Land Real Estate Investor Trevor Sarter

We’re all striving to build generational wealth . In this time there are many ways to do so . I was fortunate enough to chop it up with Trevor Sarter . One of the Sarter brothers duo who started their own real estate company Promise Land Realty.   Sarter, a Detroit native who’s portfolio expands all over the country, understands the importance of real estate and believes that it’s a skill that everyone should have. So much so that he created his own Real Estate handbook called “Remote Real Estate Investor” intended for rookies and vets . In this handbook Sarter teaches you how to build an effective real estate team, gives you the language and vocabulary, as well as how...

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